Hey guys :) I started playing guitar about 9 months ago now, couldn't even play it when I got it! But 9months on and now I have started up a YouTube page of my progress, would love it if you could check me out and rate or comment on my progress :)
I'm not the best of singers but I gave it a bash an it sounds not to bad Lol
I got my guitar from a friend but recently got a new one for my birthday which was May19th and I've been playing it non stop since I got it :) Musical Gene runs in my family, I've always had a keen intreats in music and can play many instruments from the piano to the trumpet from the saxophone to the violin.
I won loads of awards and comps when I was at school, I came 1st out of all the schools in Ayrshire for young musician of the year, I was the youngest scot to win three years in a row at the burns music award aswell!
My Papa (my mums dad) was in a band when he was younger he played guitar and sang, he inspired me to start learning guitar. Also my mum and younger sister both play trumpet and saxophone and when younger my mum also won 1st for young musician of the year the same cup that I won and both our names are on the cup! Never got to keep it tho Lol
Anyway here's my YouTube link..... Www.YouTube.com/purplezebra87
Three and mummylea
. . . reviews, beauty tips and family life!
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Thursday, 3 February 2011
a little review. . .
tshirt printing

Ive got mine..! have you got yours yet?? check out these new funky design, laser printed tshirts. Over at tshirt printing they were kind enough to send me one of there new funky tshirts to review. im a bit of a fashion follower, so was keen to check them out.
I sent the guy an email and before i knew it my tshirt had arrived... like the next day, i was surprised how FAST the service was.
They do a huge range of products from kids stuff to workwear. They have over 20years experience in the screen printing industry and offer an amazing servies. the also offer bespoke designs and personalised hoodies.
I wore mines today as the play motivators were coming to play games and do exercises with the mums and tods today at playgroup. so i needed something comfy and this was perfect, all the kids loved the funky design and was quite funny because we were playing a game where we were to use our imaginations and be on a Safari hut and looking out for all the animals in the jungel and the guy kept commenting on the monkey on my tshirt LOL!
anyways have a wee look at there website: http://www.tshirtprinting.net
Ive got mine..! have you got yours yet?? check out these new funky design, laser printed tshirts. Over at tshirt printing they were kind enough to send me one of there new funky tshirts to review. im a bit of a fashion follower, so was keen to check them out.
I sent the guy an email and before i knew it my tshirt had arrived... like the next day, i was surprised how FAST the service was.
They do a huge range of products from kids stuff to workwear. They have over 20years experience in the screen printing industry and offer an amazing servies. the also offer bespoke designs and personalised hoodies.
I wore mines today as the play motivators were coming to play games and do exercises with the mums and tods today at playgroup. so i needed something comfy and this was perfect, all the kids loved the funky design and was quite funny because we were playing a game where we were to use our imaginations and be on a Safari hut and looking out for all the animals in the jungel and the guy kept commenting on the monkey on my tshirt LOL!
anyways have a wee look at there website: http://www.tshirtprinting.net
Sunday, 30 January 2011
quick wee beauty tip for us mums :)
Do you normally purchase expensive pore cleansing strips to remove blackheads from youre nose? Save your money! Because the answer could be hiding in youre childs arts and craft box!! YES.. arts and craft box :) multi purpose glue can truely be multi purpose and can be used to remove blackheads from your nose. Many of us played with as children by covering our hands with the stuff and peeling it of once it was dry. The same conceptcan be used to remove those horrid blackheads without the need of expensive products :)
things you will need: Multi purpose glue, safe or non toxic or white PVA glue
always try alittle glue on a small area first to make sure there are no skin alegries or reactions to the product.
step two
wash your face with some soap thoroughly to help maximizw the removal of blackheads. dry.
step three
apply and even layer of glue over your nose and be sure to extend past the crease onto your cheek. Be sure to cover areas with the most visible blackheads.
step four
Allow ther glue to completely dry; 15-20 mins. Do not touch youre nose or wiggle it durignthe drying process.
step five once dry, peel the glue from the bottom near the cheek and away from the face. Peel slowly to pull the entire layer of glue without tearing. Take a look at the layer of glue, once removed, and you will see the dirt removed from your skin.
step six
wash your face again to remove any remaining glue.
I have tried this and it works much better than the expensive products, if you have trouble just using the glue and have a large problem area try using a little bit of sticky tape after the glue has dried and leave it on for another 5mins, peel it of and have a look!!
For a lovley youthfull glow give it a try and pass it on :)
things you will need: Multi purpose glue, safe or non toxic or white PVA glue
always try alittle glue on a small area first to make sure there are no skin alegries or reactions to the product.
step two
wash your face with some soap thoroughly to help maximizw the removal of blackheads. dry.
step three
apply and even layer of glue over your nose and be sure to extend past the crease onto your cheek. Be sure to cover areas with the most visible blackheads.
step four
Allow ther glue to completely dry; 15-20 mins. Do not touch youre nose or wiggle it durignthe drying process.
step five once dry, peel the glue from the bottom near the cheek and away from the face. Peel slowly to pull the entire layer of glue without tearing. Take a look at the layer of glue, once removed, and you will see the dirt removed from your skin.
step six
wash your face again to remove any remaining glue.
I have tried this and it works much better than the expensive products, if you have trouble just using the glue and have a large problem area try using a little bit of sticky tape after the glue has dried and leave it on for another 5mins, peel it of and have a look!!
For a lovley youthfull glow give it a try and pass it on :)
Friday, 28 January 2011
A little sorry :(
Hey guys sorry I've not been blogging for a while, with Xmas and new year it has been rather
Busy! I now have my broadband connected at home so will be much easier for me to blog via my laptop as I have been using my iPhone previously :))
Anyway folks, sorry again and keep reading as there will be alot of interesting stories coming up soon x x
Busy! I now have my broadband connected at home so will be much easier for me to blog via my laptop as I have been using my iPhone previously :))
Anyway folks, sorry again and keep reading as there will be alot of interesting stories coming up soon x x
Monday, 25 October 2010
I LOVE getting freebies and samples :)
I jumped into semi chem on Saturday afternoon to pick up a hair dye and a few wee buys n bobs. When I got to to till to pay for my items the check out assistant poped a little something extra in my bag, I said oh that's not mine and she replayed 'it's a free sample of cookies were giving away today' Fantastic!!
By the time I got home I had forgotten all about them until I stared unpacking. The packaging wasn't anything to fancy and didn't appeal to me at first so I sat them aside. Later that night I was on search for a late night snack about 9pm ( abot late to be eating before bed) I then stumbbled across my free cookies! I opened the packet and started reading the packet, The cookies were from Scottish slimmers and a mouthwatering apple and cinnamon flavour and music to my ears only 89 calories! Perfect... :)
So thank you semi chem for
My free sample of cookies even if I was abit offened they were for Scottish skimmers Lol teehee!! :)
I jumped into semi chem on Saturday afternoon to pick up a hair dye and a few wee buys n bobs. When I got to to till to pay for my items the check out assistant poped a little something extra in my bag, I said oh that's not mine and she replayed 'it's a free sample of cookies were giving away today' Fantastic!!
By the time I got home I had forgotten all about them until I stared unpacking. The packaging wasn't anything to fancy and didn't appeal to me at first so I sat them aside. Later that night I was on search for a late night snack about 9pm ( abot late to be eating before bed) I then stumbbled across my free cookies! I opened the packet and started reading the packet, The cookies were from Scottish slimmers and a mouthwatering apple and cinnamon flavour and music to my ears only 89 calories! Perfect... :)
So thank you semi chem for
My free sample of cookies even if I was abit offened they were for Scottish skimmers Lol teehee!! :)
. . . Bedtime storys
Bedtime stories has always been one of my best child hood memories. My Aunt who stays in Canada used to send me lots of new books for birthdays and Christmas. I've still got all my old books some are marked happy 3rd birthday me being 23 I've had the books over 20 years. I love reading to my son at bedtime as it beings back so many memories of when I was his age.
My favourite is the old classic 'The Billy Goats Gruff' Jack enjoys reading along and doing all the actions. Jacks favourite story is 'The Avacado Baby' he thinks the baby in the story is like his younger sister Katie. He said to me one day. . .
"Mummy is Katie the Avacado baby because she's so strong?
I fell down with laughter, I knew exactly what he ment! She has got some strength for a girl her age Lol! She climbed out her cot the other day and can very easily break out the straps on her pram too. Some girl!!
Were always looking for new storys and new adventures to explore our Neighbour gave us one of there books to read, 'The Gruffalo' we loved it and is now on Jacks Santa list Lol :) there's so many new gadgets out on the Market just now to help kids learn to read and it's a great way to encourage you're child too read books. We've got a leap frog one for jacks Christmas so I'll do another blog once we've tested it out.
Another alternative to bedtime stories is believe it or not is YouTube! I've got an iPhone and sometimes to give mummy a break from reading I click on my phone cuddle upto jack and let the phone do the talking.
Here's a link for use to try out, jack and I will be snuggling up tonight ready to listen to our bedtime story. . . Will you?
Please let me know you're bedtime story favourites and jack and I can check them out to!
My favourite is the old classic 'The Billy Goats Gruff' Jack enjoys reading along and doing all the actions. Jacks favourite story is 'The Avacado Baby' he thinks the baby in the story is like his younger sister Katie. He said to me one day. . .
"Mummy is Katie the Avacado baby because she's so strong?
I fell down with laughter, I knew exactly what he ment! She has got some strength for a girl her age Lol! She climbed out her cot the other day and can very easily break out the straps on her pram too. Some girl!!
Were always looking for new storys and new adventures to explore our Neighbour gave us one of there books to read, 'The Gruffalo' we loved it and is now on Jacks Santa list Lol :) there's so many new gadgets out on the Market just now to help kids learn to read and it's a great way to encourage you're child too read books. We've got a leap frog one for jacks Christmas so I'll do another blog once we've tested it out.
Another alternative to bedtime stories is believe it or not is YouTube! I've got an iPhone and sometimes to give mummy a break from reading I click on my phone cuddle upto jack and let the phone do the talking.
Here's a link for use to try out, jack and I will be snuggling up tonight ready to listen to our bedtime story. . . Will you?
Please let me know you're bedtime story favourites and jack and I can check them out to!
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Babycakes says. . . .
Today I have decided to write a wee blog about the new words my beautiful daughter KT aged 15month has starting to say. Kt has always been quick with learning new things, she was crawling at 4 months, started cruising at 7 months, she was walking a month later so it's sure to say she a little explorer. Her little character has really started to shine recently and is a little girl full of life and already wanting to do everything on her own. She a very confident bright little girl and has now starting talking c(:
When my son Jk was her age he had his own little words and phrases only I could understand and now I wished I had written them all down to show when he was older.
So this is what's inspired me to write this blog today.
The wise words of a 15month princess. .
Jack ( her big bro)
Katie ( points to herself and says taty)
Yes ( she nods her head and says Sss)
Poles ( opens the freezer wanting an Icepole, Lol)
Juice ( katies shouts JUUU..!! )
Beep beep ( pushes her nose saying ee ee)
Mmwwahh ( blows a kiss )
Only to name a few, she's doing really well and it is a good giggle listening to her blab away. She's good at understanding things we say to her too which is really cute. She has this Barney bear which sings.. I love you, you love me were a happy family! You know the rest. Anyway I say to Kt "where's Barney?" and she goes and finds him. If you ask her if she's going for a bath she starts stripping her clothes of and stands infront of the stair gate trying to pull it of it wall to get upstairs. She's so funny and each day is a different new exciting adventure.
I'm a proud mummy and I have one wonderful daughter.
When my son Jk was her age he had his own little words and phrases only I could understand and now I wished I had written them all down to show when he was older.
So this is what's inspired me to write this blog today.
The wise words of a 15month princess. .
Jack ( her big bro)
Katie ( points to herself and says taty)
Yes ( she nods her head and says Sss)
Poles ( opens the freezer wanting an Icepole, Lol)
Juice ( katies shouts JUUU..!! )
Beep beep ( pushes her nose saying ee ee)
Mmwwahh ( blows a kiss )
Only to name a few, she's doing really well and it is a good giggle listening to her blab away. She's good at understanding things we say to her too which is really cute. She has this Barney bear which sings.. I love you, you love me were a happy family! You know the rest. Anyway I say to Kt "where's Barney?" and she goes and finds him. If you ask her if she's going for a bath she starts stripping her clothes of and stands infront of the stair gate trying to pull it of it wall to get upstairs. She's so funny and each day is a different new exciting adventure.
I'm a proud mummy and I have one wonderful daughter.
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